
Showing posts from January, 2019

Philosophical skepticism

Philosophical skepticism  ( UK spelling :  scepticism ; from  Greek  σκέψις  skepsis , "inquiry") is a  philosophical  school of thought that questions the possibility of certainty in knowledge. Skeptic philosophers from different historical periods adopted different principles and arguments, but their ideology can be generalized as either (1) the denial of possibility of all knowledge or (2) the suspension of judgement due to the inadequacy of evidence. Philosophy of skepticism Skepticism is not a single position but covers a range of different positions. In the ancient world there were two main skeptical traditions.  Academic skepticism  took the dogmatic position that knowledge was not possible; Pyrrhonian skeptics refused to take a dogmatic position on any issue—including skepticism.  Radical skepticism  ends in the paradoxical claim that one cannot know anything—including that one cannot know about knowing anything. Skepticism can be classified according to